Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Monogamy or Polygamy?

One of the major reasons that non gay population hates us is because we fags have been stereotyped as polygamous, which most of the time is correct. It is not to say that every homo is polygamous, but most of them are. That’s one of the things I like about it.

A monogamous relationship is very difficult to maintain regardless of its type; hetro or homo. Imagine your food. If you have to eat same thing every day, how will you feel? You will hate it. Regardless how tasty it is or how much you like it, if you have to eat it every day with no change you will hate it. Sex is no different than food. We consume both to fulfill a basic need.

The main food of Sri Lankans is rice. Sometimes I have had rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Most of the time I am having rice for both lunch and dinner. A meal of rice always includes couple of curries. There are much different kinds of curries to go with. Hence it never feels the same. Similarly sex can be boring without some spicy curries to go with.

The roots of monogamy are jealousy and possessiveness. No one can honestly say it has the love part in it. Love for yourself may be but never the love for your partner. Possessiveness and jealousy are very primitive emotions; they have its root back up to the Stone Age where woman considered to be a “thing” that man owns. When you come to think of it; it hasn’t changed much even after thousands of years. The dominating person in a relationship still wants to posses the partner. Possessiveness leads to jealousy which is kind of ok because sometimes it’s hot thinking of your partner being jalousie of you looking at others and so. However it also can leads to domestic violence, which is according to law, wrong if you are straight and “they deserve it” if you are gay.

More of this topic later another day. If you are monogamous, good for you. If you are not monogamous, great can I have your number?


Anonymous said...

I would like to discuss on this topic initially on a personal basis. How can I contact you ?

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